Handy-Dandy Printable Reading and Class Schedule
We Start Reading January 4
We officially begin our journey on January 4! That’s one week before our first Zoom call, and that’s when we start reading the chapter called Spiritual Electricity.
Of course you can start reading sooner, but it’s nice to have the chapter fresh in your mind for our Zoom.
Spiritual Electricity covers the basic tools and principles that we'll use over the next 14 weeks (and hopefully longer!)
Feel free to read the intro or anything leading up to Spiritual Electricity, too.
Please Stay With The Group
You might be tempted to read beyond the required reading for the week, please don’t! You might start discussing the wrong chapter on our Zoom, and that can be confusing. We want everyone to stick together on the path.
I’ve created a handy-dandy schedule to help keep us on track. As you can see, each week we'll read a chapter, then discuss it during our Saturday zooms. .
We'll discuss Spiritual Electricity on our first zoom call on Jan 11; the Week Zero call.
Click below to download and print your own schedule.